Our mosquito control applications in the nearby Westfield and Cranford, New Jersey area help ensure that these pests will stay away.
We apply mosquito control treatments to your lawn and areas in your landscape such as thick, leafy sections and underneath shrubs.

When mosquito season starts, it can become a nuisance to try and spend time outside in your yard when they swarm and start biting. While their bites are itchy, they can also transmit disease that has harmful side effects. To keep mosquitoes out, we apply treatments to your landscape, especially the leafy sections and underneath shrubs, as well as your lawn.
Our mosquito control applications are available to residential and commercial properties in nearby areas around Westfield and Cranford, New Jersey.
Reasons to Control Mosquitoes on Your Property
Besides the obviously itchy and painful bites, there are other reasons to get routine mosquito control treatments for your home or business around Westfield and Cranford. Keeping these pests off your property helps to ensure that you, your customers, family, and pets have less chance of being infected with the diseases they transmit such as:
- Zika virus: This virus is worse for pregnant women, as it has been known to cause birth defects. Symptoms include rash, itching, high temperatures, headaches, and more.
- West Nile virus: This virus can cause issues such as high fever, neck stiffness, headaches, joint pains, vomiting, rash, and other ailments.
- Heartworm: When a mosquito bites a dog, it can transmit this parasite to the dog. Heartworm invades the dog's heart and can end up weakening the heart, eventually leading to the dog dying. Routine heartworm preventative is recommended in order to keep these parasites from attacking your dog.
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE): This disease has the potential to turn deadly—according to the Centers for Disease Control, 30% of people who catch this will die. If you have a high fever, headache, and neck stiffness, you may have EEE.
- St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE): More serious in the elderly, SLE causes symptoms such as dizziness, tremors, nausea, headache, and fever.
How We Treat for Mosquitoes

To effectively get rid of most mosquitoes, routine treatments throughout their peak season are vital. In our area of New Jersey, that peak season lasts from April through October. We offer eight mosquito control treatments during that time and administer them every three weeks for maximum coverage.
Our teams use a backpack fogger to evenly distribute our organic mosquito control throughout your lawn and landscaping, especially around shaded, leafy areas.
We also perform one-time mosquito control treatments, which are ideal for outdoor events.
Ready to get mosquitoes out of your yard and away from your friends and family? Call us.
We have more than 20 years of experience working in the lawn care industry and our teams are experts at applying mosquito control treatments. Our company works with residential and commercial properties around New Jersey, including Westfield, Cranford, and Scotch Plains.
Call us today at +1 732-319-9990 to schedule mosquito control so you can get these pests away from your friends and family and keep them off your yard!